The Clique Summer Collection is a series of five audio-novellas about the summer plans of the main characters in the Clique. Each story is be told from the point of view of a different girl in the Pretty Committee: Massie, Alicia, Dylan, Kristen, and Claire.
Massie gets BE-yoo-tiful: After Massie Block gets kicked off her high horse and out of her ultra exclusive Westchester riding camp, her parents force her to do the unthinkable-find a summer job. Not one for dog-walking or brat-sitting, Massie comes up with the ah-bvious solution: She'll be a sales rep for the cosmetics brand Be Pretty. Massie fully hearts her new role as fairy gawdmother of makeup-until she discovers transforming LBRs into glam-girls takes more than a swish of her royal purple mascara wand.